Sailing Adventures of Mai Tai

South China Sea – Anambas Islands

It has been exactly a year now since we sailed out of New Zealand on Mai Tai, heading off on our adventure to sail around the world. So far, after 6099nms (14000 kms approx.) we have only got as far as Malaysia, which means we have made it about a quarter of the way around.  We also realised that this

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“Cruising” China – March 2019

While in Australia in February, we were visiting with my brother and sister in law, Paul and Susi, and talked about doing a trip together. All of us agreed that China sounded good. Since we were about to head off sailing again in April, we would have to go within the next month. We discussed an itinerary, checked out visa

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Land Based Adventures

Since sailing into Sebana Cove in Malaysia back in November, we have been busy doing all those things that cruisers do between seasons. Monsoons, adverse winds, cyclones and rainy seasons tend to dictate our cruising agenda.  We like to use this time for boat maintenance projects, travelling to visit family and of course, some local land-based tourism. The marinas and

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Crossing The Equator

October 28th We thought we had seen every navigational hazard imaginable on this trip, but when just outside Penuba Island, another surprise awaited us when we read on the chart “Danger. Minefield. Restricted area”. The area covered a five mile wide area and there was a recommended very narrow channel right down the middle for boats. This is when you

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Belitung to Lingga Island

October 10th, 2018 The south east trades that have brought us faithfully this far, have now disappeared and we have entered the north west monsoon (rainy) season. This brings thunder storms and torrential rain and no steady wind to sail by.  We are now in the South China Sea, and from here on it will be less sailing and a

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Borneo Orangutans

October 4th The large island of Borneo is divided into 3 countries, Malaysia, Brunei and the Indonesian area of Kalimantan which comprises 73% of the island. We were headed for Kumai, a large city situated 15 miles up the Kumai River in south Kalimantan. We had a good overnight sail to the delta entrance to the Kumai River, but we

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Dragon Islands to Bawean

K0MODO ISLANDS September 7th.  We sailed to Rinka Island, one of the Komodo Islands in Indonesia, home of the famous Komodo Dragons. Our cruising guide mentioned that the dragons are the most active and scary early in the morning so we  were ashore by 0600 hrs. These dragons are not in captivity, they are not fed by the wardens on

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Buru Island to Buton Island

On leaving the anchorage at Banda a large humpback whale swam up to Mai Tai, did a full, slow 360 degree roll just metres from the boat as if to wish us a safe passage to our next destination. Very special. BURU ISLAND Our 2-night, 3-day passage to Buru Island, was uneventful but we were on constant watch for the

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The Infamous Spice Islands of Indonesia

TUAL to BANDA NAIRA Our short visit in Tual, Indonesia, was mostly taken up with the country check-in process.  After the officials were satisfied we were issued the final gold embossed, stamped certificate allowing us to continue cruising their waters. Meanwhile we hired a local agent to assist us with buying diesel. There are no fuel docks so we had

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New Caledonia to Indonesia

“The cruising life is not always a leisurely Sunday afternoon, but it is Never a Monday morning” We arrived safely in Indonesia after 18 days at sea, 2520 nautical miles, 1 ocean (Pacific), 3 seas (Tasman Sea, Coral Sea, Arafura Sea), and the Torres Strait.  No Dramas, no breakages, nothing fallen off. Fantastic passage.  Boat and crew all well and

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