Sailing Adventures of Mai Tai

On Safari in Kenya

Before leaving Zanzibar, we wanted to spend time also visiting the northern part of Pemba Island, so we anchored off the small town of Wete to find a driver to show us around.  Here, we will complete our Immigration and Customs clearance to go to Kenya. We have received our visas for Kenya online, so the last thing we need

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Mai Tai follows in the wake of Sinbad

ZANZIBAR Trying to complete our circumnavigation during this Covid Global Pandemic has given us several major issues to contend with that we hadn’t planned on. Weather systems determine when we can move from place to place, especially when making ocean passages, but now with travel restrictions and border closures that can change daily, planning our onward journey becomes even more

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Crossing the Indian Ocean

After 14 months “stuck” in the beautiful Western Sumatra islands of Nias, Tello and the Mentawai’s, it is now time for us to say goodbye to some of the wonderful people we met there, and finally move on.  Our visas are due to expire in June and the SE trade winds, that we have been waiting for, are filling in

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Mentawais, West Sumatra

I have to open with a big “Bravo” to Team New Zealand winning the Americas Cup.  It seemed incredible to be able to watch live coverage of the racing from our remote anchorage here in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra.  We could only imagine the vibes back in New Zealand, on the water, from all the vantage points over the

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Mai Tai Adventures During Lockdown

Since our last blog, when we were busy getting Mai Tai all fixed and ready to leave for the next part of our circumnavigation,  Christmas came and went.  Suddenly, I realise that we are already at the end of January. We are fortunate that we are allowed to travel within Indonesia, at least in this region of Indonesia.  Plus we

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Still in South Nias

Thinking of you all and wishing you a Very Merry Christmas. We hope you can enjoy this festive season with friends and family despite Covid restrictions. Just for a wee break away from Mai Tai, we recently spent a few days at this plush Adimulia Hotel in Medan, where they were getting into the spirit of Christmas despite the noticeable

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Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle

OCTOBER 2020 So much has happened since our last blog and yet we are still here waiting for borders to open around us.  We are comfortable and safe here, so will only move on when everything is in place ahead of us. I jokingly mentioned about choosing which tree to decorate for Christmas, and now this is beginning to look

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Slowly Expanding Horizons

August 29th, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced that Malaysian borders would not be opening until the 31st December.!!!!!  Previously the opening date for borders was set at 31 August. Thailand is also closed to cruising yachts until sometime next year. So, what now???? It has been over 4 months since we arrived in the remote uninhabited island of Barogang,

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Life Moves Slowly at Barogang Island

Life continues on Barogang, Indonesia If anyone had even suggested we would be here on this remote island for more than 4 to 5 weeks, we would have questioned their sanity. But we have formed a close-knit group here, helping each other in various ways and managing to stay sane and mostly having fun. We mentioned in our last blog

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Barogang – 3 months on

After 3 months on our deserted island of Barogang, isolated from any contact from the outside world, our little group of cruisers have formed a close-knit community making the most of our time here.  It could well be another 2 to 3 months before the SE Asia borders re-open, so we have all changed our plans to turn this year

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